TRAINING (2.4.1)

The task of the SCC is to observe the changes of the alpine cryosphere. Furthermore, supervises all long-term cryospheric monitoring networks of Switzerland.more

Image: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonmore

Portrait of SCC

The Swiss Commission for Cryosphere observation (SCC) monitoring networks was founded in 1893 as the glacier commission and is integrated within the Platform Geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Science (SCNAT). In relation to the changes caused by the incipient climate change it is the Commission’s task to observe the changes of the alpine cryosphere. Furthermore it is in charge of the supervision of all long-term national cryospheric monitoring networks. The commission works in close cooperation with the Swiss Snow, Ice and Permafrost Society (SIP).

Ausblick auf Alphubel, Rimpfischhorn, und Strahlhorn mit Adler- und Findelengletscher
Ausblick auf Alphubel, Rimpfischhorn, und Strahlhorn mit Adler- und FindelengletscherImage: Martin Hoelzle

Snow and ice embody fundamental environmental factors for the human being (climate, water supply, natural hazards, education and economy etc.). This is why the process of observing the alpine cryosphere is an important component within the overall monitoring of climate-related changes. Thanks to a resolution – which was requested by the Department of Home Affairs- of the Swiss Federal Council in 2008 it has been possible to safeguard the funding of long-term measurement series. Switzerland’s significant position in global climate observation is strengthened by this sustainable long-term funding back-up for various measuring series (especially of glaciers and permafrost). The funding is assured by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), MeteoSchweiz, the Federal Office for the Environment and the Swiss Academy of Sciences as well as the participating Universities and institutes for scientific research.

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Drohnenansicht des Val da l'Aqua Blockgletscher (Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Zernez)

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Image: A. Cicoria