TRAINING (2.4.1)

The task of the SCC is to observe the changes of the alpine cryosphere. Furthermore, supervises all long-term cryospheric monitoring networks of Switzerland.more

Image: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonmore

The integral Swiss crypospheric-observation-network especially focuses on the following sections:

The commission is responsible for the documentation and the scientific processing of the collected data which has been ascertained by the monitoring networks. Alongside with providing reliable data for science it also supplies processed data for politics, the economy and the public. The ascertained data is of great significance in order to ensure an early diagnosis of possible changes in the alpine regions.

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Aussergewöhnliche Hochwasser im November und Dezember 2023

Gleich zweimal innerhalb weniger Wochen waren die West- und Nordschweiz im November und Dezember 2023 von Hochwasser betroffen. Schneefälle, gefolgt von intensivem Regen und Schneeschmelze führten vielerorts zu starken Anstiegen

Image: Pxhere, CC0