TRAINING (2.4.1)

The task of the SCC is to observe the changes of the alpine cryosphere. Furthermore, supervises all long-term cryospheric monitoring networks of Switzerland.more

Image: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonmore

Das Extremjahr 2022, Kryosphärenbericht

Das Jahr 2021/22 geht in die Geschichte der Kryosphärenbeobachtung ein: Sehr wenig Schnee während des Winters, Rekordschmelze der Gletscher, und Maximaltemperaturen in den oberen Schichten des Permafrosts.

The glacier world at the foot of Piz Palü and Piz Bernina is still impressive even after record losses were recorded on Vadret Pers (Grisons).
Image: M. Huss

Authors: SCC

Source: Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, 28.03.2023


  • Cryosphere
  • Glacier
  • Monitoring
  • Snow
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