Tasks and functions
The SCC defines concepts and strategies for the national cryospheric-observation-programs and stipulates the necessary regulations. A national integral cryospheric-observation-network which covers snow, glaciers and permafrost is aspired in the medium-term. The Commission assures the integration of all expertise available in Switzerland, the newest concepts and the coordination with international programs.
The SCC is an Expert Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) according to Art. 13 para.1 e of the Statutes. It is composed of approved experts in monitoring of snow, glaciers and permafrost and related scientific branches. The group comprises employees of different Universities, institutes for scientific research and Federal Offices.
The Commission is constituted on its own. The organization and practical application of the Commission’s tasks and individual responsibilities are set out in the regulations. The SCC collaborates in close contact with the Swiss Snow, Ice and Permafrost Society. By doing so existing competences are considered and valued. Contracts are signed by the funding institutions and entities.
Swiss Commission for Cryosphere observation (SCC)
c/o Dr. Hugo Raetzo
Landslides, Avalanches and Protection Forest Section
PO Box
3003 Bern