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TRAINING (2.4.1)

Die SKK dokumentiert die Veränderungen der alpinen Kryosphäre. Sie betreut die langfristig angelegten Schweizer Messnetze für Schnee, Gletscher, Permafrost und Firntemperaturen.mehr

Bild: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonmehr

18th Swiss Global Change Day - Live on Twitter

Follow the reporting about the event live on Twitter #SGCD17

18th Swiss Global Change Day - Live on Twitter

The Swiss Global Change Day is the event by ProClim where the Global Change and Future Earth community discusses ongoing problems in a transdisciplinary manner.

For its 18th edition, ProClim will be reporting about the event live on Twitter with #SGCD17

Follow the reporting @proclimCH


  • Globale Veränderung