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TRAINING (2.4.1)

L’obiettivo principale CSC è quello di monitorare i cambiamenti nella criosfera alpina. Inoltre è responsabile della supervisione di tutte le reti di monitoraggio nazionali a lungo termine riguardanti lo studio della criosfera.di più

Immagine: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmondi più


The research magazine reports to a wide audience on the latest findings and development of science in Switzerland.

Horizonte Cover

The research magazine Horizons offers an overview of research activities in Switzerland. Horizons is published jointly by the SNSF and the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. Four times a year it reports on the latest developments in all scientific disciplines: from biology, medicine and social and cultural sciences through to mathematics and the natural sciences.

Learn more about the fascinating and inspiring world of science: what are the drivers of progress in medical research? What sources of energy can we use? Which issues will preoccupy future generations?

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Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS)
Casella postale 8232
3001 Berna